Vintage Seasonal

During the holiday season, our attention often turns towards the timeless traditions and nostalgic elements that define this special time of year. One such aspect that encapsulates the essence of yesteryears are vintage seasonal items. These relics from the past, with their enduring charm and sentimental value, have a way of connecting us to our heritage while enriching our present celebrations.
Vintage seasonal items come in various forms, each representing a bygone era and a distinct way of celebrating. Let’s explore a few of these treasured artifacts that continue to bring joy to families and collectors alike.

Vintage Santa Claus Planter

Item # S1 Price: $10.00

Size: 7W x 8H


Pillows Acorn embroidery

Item# M4 Price: $16.00

Size: 12 x 12


Santa Candy Jar

Item# S5 Price: $5.00

Size: 4”x6”


Vintage Christmas Tree Ornament

Item# S6 Price: $5.00

Size: 1”x4”


Bells Christmas Tree Ornament

Item# S7 Price: $5.00

Size: 3”x3”
