Entertainment Houses


Entertainment Houses 〰️

The Rivoli Theater

The Rivoli Theatre opened on April 22, 1922, in Rutherford, New Jersey. It was designed by architect Abram Presikel and featured a marble facade, an ornate interior, and a centerpiece chandelier made of crystals from Czechoslovakia. The 2,200-seat theater opened as a combination of vaudeville and silent film house. During this time, acts such as Abbott and Costello and the Glenn Miller Orchestra performed at the Rivoli.

The Ghost of The Rivoli Theater in Rutherford, New Jersey (YouTube Link)

The Criterion

The Criterion Theatre was opened on January 27, 1912. It had closed by 1926. The building was destroyed by fire in 1943.

(Billy Neumann)

Rt.3 Drive-In Theater

Route 3 Drive-In, Rutherford NJ - The drive-in operated from the early 1950's until 1985.

Williams Center



Storefronts 〰️

F.W. Woolworth & Co

52 Park Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 07070

Photos shared from and property of Jack Falat and his Flicker account

Drucker’s Department Store

15 Park Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 07070

Photos shared from and property of Jack Falat and his Flicker account

Gordon Henderson’s Leaded and Stained Glass Shop

55 W. Erie Ave, Rutherford, New Jersey 07070

Photos shared from and property of Jack Falat and his Flicker account

Clara’s Bridal Shop

Rutherford, New Jersey 07070

Ernie’s Delicatessen


Clare’s Food Shop / Upholstery Shop


92 Park Ave. Rutherford, NJ

New China Inn Restaurant

Longest Running Restaurant in Rutherford, NJ (1960-2016)

32 Ames Ave.

Currently the sign is at “Eternal Wealth” Custom Design Fabricators.

19 Franklyn Ave.

Photo provided by Ed Gajda

16 Park Ave. “Station Square Restaurant”

Courtesy of @jackfalat.com

82-92 Park Ave “Mandee” “Baron Drugs” “Victoria’s” “Allied Office Supplies” “Cheese Barn Luncheonette” “Leslie’s Corsets” “Neema Beverages”

Courtesy of @jackfalat.com

Edifices, Architecture and Engineering


Edifices, Architecture and Engineering 〰️

Union Avenue Bridge

Photos shared from and property of Jack Falat and his Flicker account

Mary Melfa Collection

The Armory

It was November 16, 1896, that brothers Richard and Alfred King, along with their team of men, started work on the Rutherford Armory (where "Suprema Cucina and Cafe" now stands.)


"Richard and Alfred King’s involvement in the building of the Rutherford Armory is a salute to a classic downtown structure, which was situated next to Edward Turner’s massive commercial building at 84 Park Avenue. The Armory served as Borough Hall up through the late 1930s when the Park Avenue School was abandoned and converted to Rutherford Borough Hall in 1939."


(Excerpt taken from “History of The Rutherford Armory” by Rod Leith, Rutherford Borough Historian – August 2022)

The Handler Building

41 Park Ave.

Park Motors Chrysler Plymouth Car Dealership

“Jack Motors”

T&S Diner

Carlton Hill Station

Erie Railroad

McMains Hotel Building

Station Square Depot

9 Park Ave. Rutherford, N.J

15-21 Park Avenue

16 Park Avenue

41 Park Avenue

88 Park Avenue

Meadowlands Museum

The Handler Building



Miscellaneous 〰️

Milk Bottle. (Produced in Rutherford, N.J.)

JCH&P Trolley 503
Rutherford, N.J.

PSNJ Trolley (Circa 1900)
Jersey City - Hoboken - Rutherford